How has the seed of God’s Word produced fruit in us?

Today the Lord tells us a parable, that of the sower and the seed. He points out the importance of checking what kind of place these seeds fall onto. Depending on the quality of the reception will the seed bear fruit. We are responsible for taking care that we are receptive, open, attentive, focused and so forth to God’s Word. He looks for the fruits of his investment of seeds in our souls.

We are all mandated by Jesus Christ to go out to the entire world

The Gospel today reminds us of the instructions of our Lord Jesus Christ just prior to his ascending to Heaven to sit at the right hand of his Father from where he shall come to judge the living and the dead. This remind is for all of us, not that we are supposed to do exactly the same thing, but to evangelize through our different circumstances, talents, education, culture, etc.

Let us never reject the very source of our salvation

Today’s Gospel introduces us into another show of envy by Our Lord’s enemies. This time they claim that Jesus casts out devils in the name of the devil himself. He discusses with the people the ludicrousness of this proposition. He tries to bring them to understand that such stance in looking at him is a sin against the Holy Spirit, i.e., they reject God and his overtures to bring us salvation and cure.

Jesus, the Scriptures and the Church

The Scriptures are what constitutes the written Word of God. This is what St. Luke started out to do culling content from their experiences with Jesus. He recorded in an orderly manner the events of our dear Lord’s life. So the New Testament did not just come out from thin air, made without a context or done without some supervision of some kind. Hence, Our Lord established a Church with his authority to gather these manuscripts of what would make up Sacred Scriptures and more accurately, the New Testament as we have it. He who hears you, hears me and he who hears me, hears him who sent me. Jesus shared his teaching authority with his ministers. And so the teachings of our Lord spread throughout the world.

What are you crazy about?

The Gospel today presents the relatives of our dear Lord to be very concerned with him because he did not have any time to eat anymore because of the work he had, the crowds and sick needing his help and cures. This work included his preaching and teaching. No time to eat! They were convinced that Jesus was out of his mind.

We too have some madness for a creature on earth. There are those crazy about football, a girl, an actress, an actor, a movie, or something else. We might even miss meals because of our love for them. This should wake us up to the ability and potency we have to be crazy about our love for God. We have that energy. We have that strength to do something crazy for Him since He also did something crazy for us, i.e., He died on the Cross to save us from sin and death.